Wednesday, December 12, 2007

the dark passenger

Quoting a song or a line from a movie I feel 'connected' with just doesn't do it for me anymore.
I've pretty much forced myself to spewing out my brain onto this pixelated facade of myself.
events/ emotions/ trials and tribulations/ ideas/ philosophies and beliefs...

Thats what I should be sharing with the www. world, instead I find myself sitting here with nothing to say.
I don't want to have to think of some overtantly original piece of writing for someone who doesn't even realize how surreal it is to be a human and occupy this planet.
humans are born/ humans grow/ humans develop...but somewhere in between puberty and becoming a twenty something year old a majority of us seem to loose our souls.

"what the fuck are you talking about lillie"

When most people wake up in the morning they jump in the shower use their various products from shoppers drug mart/ pharma plus/ rexall etc... drape themselves in clothes that are designed too impress people opposed to keep you comfortable and
Everythings just totally split into tiny little neat packages. Everythings automatic. Everythings in HD. Everythings crystal clear(opaque). Everythings tainted by a false god. Everythings burning down.
In the year 2010, I will be able to stand on a mountain top and say: I lived through the first decade of the millennium and not one original piece of art, music, literature , spoken word, political value, social ethics, film, spec of dust has caught my eye or been created in the first place. Not only is everyone becoming a sheep in the field outside the slaughterhouse, but were not even fighting for survival. We just want to cruise by in life no questions asked.

No questions asked

No questions asked

No questions asked
Teenagers have become more self distructive and drug dependant than ever (oh and falsely medicated)
Their parents have become twice as confused from all of the self help evangelical american propaganda.
Get a house, a husband and kids...QUICK.
Or your pension may run out.
Everything has a catch everything has hidden text and signatures of yours you never once signed...
Our cars now speak English and tell u
s were to go
We don't have to take more than a five minute walk ANYWHERE without seeing a train bus elscalator elevator or some kind of leg alternative.
The aging process is going to dissapear since we are all vanity freaks.
We are also the first generation for some reason find it entertaining to share hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of ourselves taken by...ourselves...for no reason shape or form.

At the end of the day all we rely on is microchips, batteries, power plants, democracy and lies.
Why let that control you when
you can just look up at the sky and see heaven and hell all around you...

I'm not afraid too die...
I'm really scared of being alive though...

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